Big Lake Accident by Nick Russell

Big Lake Accident by Nick Russell

Author:Nick Russell [Russell, Nick]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter 21

Amy sat in the chair her mother had occupied shortly before, fidgeting with her hands as Weber explained to her that she had the right to get up and leave anytime she wanted and informed her that the interview was being recorded. When she acknowledged that and agreed to continue talking to him, Weber said, “Amy, first of all, I’m sorry for what happened to your father. I know you didn’t have a good relationship with him, and I can certainly understand that. I want you to know that I’m not here to try to throw you under the bus in any way, okay? And Mr. Kappel is here to make sure that doesn’t happen. Do you understand all of that?”

She nodded her head and Weber said, “Amy, the first question, and I know this is a rough one, but I have to ask it. Did you kill your father?”

“No,” the girl said, shaking her head.

“Do you know who killed your father?”


“All right. You told me that the last time you saw your father, he was sleeping in his recliner, correct?”

Amy nodded her head, and the sheriff said, “I need you to answer with words, Amy. Yes or no?”


“That was Saturday night?”


“Do you remember what time it was?”

She shook her head and said, “No, I don’t.”

“Could you give a guess?”

“It was after my mom went to work.”

“Had you talked to your father much before he fell asleep?”

“No, I didn’t talk to him at all. During the day, my mom and I went shopping and did a couple of things, and when we came home, his truck was in the driveway and he was there. I didn’t even know he’d gotten out of jail until then. When we came inside, he was already drunk. He started in on Mom, asking where the hell we’d been. I went to my room and didn’t say anything to him.”

“What happened then, Amy?”

“What do you mean?”

“Did you hear your mom and dad talking or arguing or anything?”

“At first. Then I put on my noise canceling headphones because I knew by the way he was acting that they were going to fight and I didn’t want to hear it. I stayed in my room and I guess Mom eventually went to bed because she had to work that night.”

“Was your father still sleeping when your mom left for work?”

“I guess. I was in my room when my mom came in and said she was leaving, and she’d see me in the morning.”

“You said you saw your father in his recliner after she went to work, right?”

“Yeah. I left my room and went down the hall to the bathroom and I could see him in his recliner.”

“Did you say anything to him at that time, Amy?”

The girl shook her head and said, “I told you, I avoided talking to him anytime I could. And he was passed out by then.”

“All right, then what happened?”

“I don’t know. I did some stuff on my computer and went to sleep.


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